Your summer in the mountains of Ratschings

On the alp, at the mountain lake, by bike.
Summer in Ratschings is as varied as nature. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for easy movement, action, or family activities: everybody will find the right thing to do. An easy hike to a mountain hut or climbing a peak. Explore the waterfalls in the Gilfenklamm. Go to the Jaufen Pass or Penser Joch by mountain-bike or e-bike. Look for marmots at the Mountain Adventure World Ratschings. Or try to find some ore at the show mine in Ridnaun. There are so many possibilities!
And sshhht… Sabine will tell you more about some of her favourite destinations.

Sabine’s tip no. 1

Silent mountain lake with stunning view
Beneath the peak of Hohe Kreuzspitze at 2.346m you can find the lake Butsee, surrounded by rocks and meadows. Here, you have a stunning view of the whole valley and the peaks. At the lakeside, there is a stone with the footprint of a wizard called Pfeifer Huisele on it. You can reach the lake passing the hut Klammalm and it is a perfectly suitable hike for families with slightly older children.

Sabine’s tip no. 2

Beautiful nature and plenty of water
The hike up to Gleckalm and on to Gleckseeis quite steep and exhausting, but next to the trail, you can see a mountain stream, which leads into a 25m high waterfall. Who is brave enough can take a refreshing shower.

Sabine’s tip no. 3

4 peaks and 4 lakes
The panorama at Jaufenklamm is breath-taking! The hike leads from peak to peak: from Saxenle to Fleckner, on to Glaitner Hochjoch and Schlattacher Joch. In between, you can take a break at different lakes: Scheibelsee, Kehlerlacke, and Übelsee. A hike with a great view, which you will remember for sure.


a charming city in the middle of the Alps
Colourful houses, wrought-iron restaurant signs, great shops and cosy cafés: Sterzing is a city with a unique atmosphere. Stroll around the alleys in the old town, watch the buzzle while having a drink. Buy yourself something nice to wear or a gift for someone at home: Sterzing is for sure worth a visit. Who would like to can visit the historic town hall or marvel at altarpieces made by the artist Hans Multscher at the homonymous Multscher-Museum.

Travelling back in time

Would you like to know more about culture, history, and traditions? Young and old can visit the mines at the Mining Museum in Ridnaun. If you want to find out more about the Middle Ages, you should visit castle Reifenstein in Sterzing, one of the best-preserved castles in South Tyrol. What sound does a bear make? At the provincial museum for hunting and fishing at castle Wolfsthurn in Mareit/Ratschings, you can listen to the sounds of many animals and marvel at baroque rooms. You can also get to know the locals personally at traditional farmers’ markets, summer parties, concerts, and at the annual cattle drive.

Energy boost?

Our regional breakfast is the perfect start to the day

Completely relaxed

Explore the relaxing areas inside and outside

Ready for winter?

Snowy Ratschings, a unique experience